

Warts occur on the human body, because infection of one of the types of virus papilloma, transmitted in consequence of contact: handshakes, walking barefoot in common areas, swimming in the pool, use of common showers) also, when using household items. Warts can be of size from 1 mm to 15 mm, depending on their place of education, types of. Warts can form large tumors hemisphere helena conical. Over time, their color changes. First, the color of the warts coincides with the color of the skin, furthermore, to become brown, less often black, to a greater extent this color is obtained from the-for the dirt, which is easily superimposed on the uneven surface of the warts. The incubation period of warts is at least 5-6 weeks to 5-6 months. Virus attack the normal contact is not enough, also need the presence of a few own factors, which include excessive sweating of the hands and soles of the feet, microtrauma to the skin, failure of immunity.

Types of warts:

Between the warts, we distinguish between 4 basic types: simple (helena ordinary), flat, genital warts and senile warts.

  • Simple warts - a Horny papules with a diameter of from 1 to 10 mm. Most often forms on the back surface of brushes of hands . This kind of warts passes itself after a period of two years, and does not require any treatment.
  • Plantar warts - are also common, and appear on the legs in places pressure shoes, due to the steamy feet. Initially the warts of small size with a characteristic luster, then it becomes a Horny papule helena board yellow-gray in color, its surface becomes coarse and rough. These warts are usually single, but become their meets 3-6 and more. Stronger all the feelings of pain bring the dense, Horny, greyish-dirty colors of the plantar warts. In rare cases, this type of wart may cause a loss of earning capacity.
  • Apartment (common warts) clearly separate papules with a smooth surface, the diameter is from 1 to 5 mm, protruding 1-2 mm above the skin . As the warts mostly occur in children and youth. Flat warts have the appearance of rounded helena irregularly shaped flat nodes, which are located on the back surface of brushes of hands, shins, but also on the skin of the face . Color light brown, pink helena body . The occurrence of flat warts see to irritation of the skin ( appear as scratches, cuts, and more).
  • Genital warts (warts) - it is a very small pink color skin growths that lead to stockebrand widening of the soft consistency of the body of helena red color. This type of warts appear on the genitalia in men and women. The disease is transmitted through sexual encounters, and especially often when on the genitals has a microtrauma (helena diverge). If from them get rid of, then they can grow up to large size, and with a strong cause harm to human health. Warts lead to the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to statistics, more their the emergence of exposed women with a high probability of developing cancer of the cervix.
  • Senile warts (keratomas, seborrhoeic keratosis, seborrheic warts, bazalnoe-accurate papilloma) - a benign palatine. From the title it is clear that this type of warts occur in people of an older age. The reasons are not clear, but it is believed that they develop from cells of the basal layer of the epidermis, the more superficial portion of the hair follicle. Symptoms of seborrheic keratosis commonly manifest on chest, less often on the face, neck, legs hand, on the surface of the forearm. The palm and sole of a person are exceptions. Such a warts is not affects the mucous membranes, is usually not more than 20 size is from 0.3 to 3.5 cm, less often reaching the 4.5-5 see

warts on the skin

Causes of warts

The main cause of warts is HPV (human papillomavirus). The most common way of contracting the virus prefers direct contact such as a handshake with a person who has on hands a wart. Still become infected with HPV from touching an infected articles such as handrails in public transport, towels, cutting the nails, manicure scissors and such. Virus HPV penetrates into a person as a result of damage to the skin: no cracks, scratches, irritation on the skin and cuts. One of the types of warts are spread through sexual contact - it is genital warts. According to statistics, more than 80% of the people who are carriers of the HPV virus, and there is no suspicion about it. HPV can be completely without symptoms. To the reason of his include:

  • Nervous disorders, or stress
  • a weak immune system
  • Supercooling of the organism
  • Severe sweating
  • Wear synthetic clothing, tight shoes as well as shoes made of artificial materials
  • Microtrauma (hurt during shaving)

Never take measures to treat the warts immediately, the person can infect the whole body of the "colonies" of warts. So, as we with you we know that the cause of the warts is the papilloma virus (HPV), which infected more than 80% of the people on the ground, with each infected person can have several types of viruses at the same time, and do not guess Oyu this, due to their asymptomatic current. Every year, rasprostranenie HPV in the countries is constantly growing. More often the infection occurs at direct contact with the skin and slimy membranes, less often, infection can occur through the everyday objects of consumption (cutting nails, scissors, and more.)

Treatment of warts

Now, when we learned that it is a wart, how they manifest themselves and what are the causes of their occurrence, we will try to find ways of their treatment, health and folk remedies.

General principles of treatment of warts

Today is not this method of treatment of warts, that removed their cause (the human papillomavirus (HPV)) completely. The emergence of warts may re-occur after any of the methods of removal. The likelihood of relapse is the same for all methods of treatment and accounts for 25% - 40%. Most methods of removing warts leave on the human body marks - scars and scars. In this case, we see a common sequence: the more effective is the method for removal, the higher is the probability of the appearance of scars and scars. Warts may behave completely unpredictably: a walk on their own without treatment, may not take place after the most effective methods of treatment. In adults and in persons with low immunity, and also in the long stream of warts yourself warts are held only rarely. First you need to try safe methods of treatment. Then, if you don't, you will see the effect, then you need to move to a more aggressive treatment. Start treatment of warts by laser removal it is better not worth it, because with this method of treatment is the highest risk of scarring and reduces the likelihood of relapse.

warts on your finger

Medical ways to get rid of warts.

Upon the occurrence of warts the most loyal will be the decision to ask for the advice of a dermatologist, who will select the products for enhancing immunity and calming the nerves. In addition, the doctor chooses correctly way to get rid of warts. Such methods include:

  • Cryosurgery (freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen). A wart on an even layer using a attached to a wooden stick swab helena special health cryoapplicator applying the liquid nitrogen, thereby icing the wart for a period of 15-40 seconds. Then the wart changes color to white and becomes thick, then in the course of an hour , in her place, formed a bubble, which holds 4-8 days and then it gradually dries up. Completely peel leaving over a half - two weeks, so pale pink spots. For plantar warts need a longer course of several cryoprocedure in the interval of 2-3 days.
  • Electrocoagulation (removal of warts using swing). Under a stream of high frequency warts "cut" fine wire loop, it helps to prevent bleeding, and also disinfects the tissue. While the doctor stays the material for it to look at Oncology . The operation takes place under local anesthesia . After the impact of the stream appear thin bark, which is not itself in the course of 5-7 days (so there won't be a scar it is better to erase).
  • Laser photocoagulation (wart removal laser). The wart is removed layer by layer with the help of the laser in local anesthesia. After treatment at the place where it was warts remains a small indentation that alone leveled for 3-4 weeks. If we talk about plantar warts, then you need to keep in mind that in the course of 3-4 weeks to have the least to walk.
  • Surgical excision of warts. The method is only used if the wart is very large (helena, there are several merged warts in one). All the unnecessary is cut out the scalpel, and certainly it is sent to the study . The procedure takes place under local anesthesia . The skin to sew a cosmetic seam, after which you will remain thin, bright scar.
  • Chemical methods. Mean under you a one-time helena seminar processing of warts sharp acid helena the principles . While this is a high probability of damage to the tissue around the warts, or what is still worse, to place infection . It is very painful methods of removing warts. The exception is that the treatment is salicylic acid. You can buy it in any pharmacy in liquid form, as boban friends helena a special patch. For some types of warts is fairly well helps. The main thing, remember that delete is needed only warts, and along with the skin, on which they appeared – that is you have to delete them helena seal only the warts.

warts on the palm of your hand

Folk methods of treatment of warts.

  • Every day, several times a day to grease warts infusion of wormwood. A strong decoction of wormwood (to 1 cup of boiling water, it is necessary to add 3 tablespoons of wormwood, cook for 2-3 minutes, then within half an hour to infuse under the lid). The decoction is applied, and for the daily lubrication of the warts.
  • Every day 3-4 times maybe they rub warts with raw garlic. The course of treatment should continue until the complete disappearance of the warts, which lasts from two to three weeks to months, in some cases, it is the course of treatment may take a longer period of time.
  • Squeeze the juice from the celandine helena dandelions. A day to lubricate this juice on the warts. Treatment continue for about 2-4 weeks.
  • Put the baked garlic with butter.
  • Brought on feet, warts, lubricate the tea tree oil 3-4 times a day. Oil You can purchase in most pharmacies, and its value is small. There is no need to dilute the oil, because the skin on the feet is thicker and therefore is less sensitive compared to skin on other parts of your body. If you think that you do not exceed your skin is sensitive, then there is a high probability of irritation, that it didn't happen, it is necessary to dilute the oil, use aloe vera gel helena water. Oil dilution is necessary in the ratio of 50 to 50.
  • Gently without adverse effects on the roman walls rub him clean chalk, sprinkling the top still some mel. Tie, so that no moisture got through the bandage. Such a bandage it is necessary to walk a day.
  • Pour the raw bulb in vinegar essence, and tie it at night. Do several times a day until the wart is not coming out from the root.
  • Rub a slice of garlic to the pasta, then pour a little lemon juice and add flour to make dough. Then on the wart, stick a band-aid with a hole in the middle for the node. Last, on the warts to keep the resulting dough of the garlic and top to apply the patch larger size. This headband hold 2-3 days, a day will replace it with a new one.
  • If hogwarts falls, then it is necessary to lubricate the skin balsam Vishnevsky and wrap. Boban friends to give to the healing of the wound.
  • Instead of the above recipe, the garlic test, for the removal of warts it is possible to use a piece of kalanchoe. Bandages to do a day several times during the day, changes a piece of kalanchoe on the fresh. After these procedures warts completely disappear.
  • Every day several times a day to lubricate warts the juice of a lemon helena the juice of sour apples. Let it dry, not washing. Sour juices significantly reduces the warts in the amount and days over 8-12 disappear completely.
  • Buy at the pharmacy green liquid soap and use it for bandages on the warts. Dampen a piece of the bandage with soap and attach it to the wart plaster.
  • The disappearance of the warts helps the juice from the fresh berries of the crane. Juice is necessary to lubricate the warts 3-4 times a day.
  • For the lubrication of the wart used the fresh juice of green tomatoes.
  • Place the horseradish with the salt, make compresses on the wart.
  • Removal of warts dry ice. A piece of ice to the wart as long as possible, repeat the procedure several times a day
  • Hot water (Hyperthermia). The method is very simple and consists in the immersion of the hands of helena his feet affected by warts, for 25-35 minutes at a maximum hot water that a person can tolerate (usually 43 — 47°C). Treatments are performed 3-4 times a week. The mechanism of action of hyperthermia is associated with redness of the skin by expansion of small blood vessels with subsequent activation of immunity. It is a method primitive, and therefore often provokes ridicule in patients. However, hyperthermia proves to be very effective. Method is more appropriate when the plantar warts.

The consequences of warts

Warts are cancer very rarely, even though during prolonged friction and their injury may develop inflammation. The consequences of warts include:

  • Their spread to the nearest places on the human body;
  • Frequent recurrence after treatment;
  • The appearance of scars and scarring after their removal;
  • Entry of infection, and in particular, if the integrity of the warts have been violated;
  • Entry of infection, and in particular, if the integrity of the warts compromised;
  • The possibility of converting certain types of warts in malignant;