What is a papilloma and how it looks

Irregular overgrowth of skin cells called tumors. As the main cause of the formation of tumors called the impact of uv radiation.


The second reason for the destruction of the skin sheets are carcinogenic substances. For any discovered a new body on the skin it is imperative to monitor and timely consult a doctor — oncologist.

It will hold all the necessary diagnostic procedures. And he recommend what additional steps you will need to perform.

Papilloma, warts, and warts – all of this is a result of the activities of the papillomavirus or HPV. The Virus enters the body and longer periods of time inactive. Under the influence of provoking factors, there is the revitalization of the HPV. It is manifested by the emergence of soft growths on the skin and mucus membranes.

The tumor can impair quality of life, of its cells is a characteristic of mutating, which leads to oncology. Early diagnosis and treatment of papillomas on the genitals – a pledge of healthy and fulfilling intimate life of a woman.

The causes of the occurrence of papillomas in the mouth

The main cause of the formation of growths in the mouth, is the presence in the body of the hpv virus. Infect them easily: the virus is transmitted to domestic on the way and through personal contacts (touching, unprotected sex). The basic ways of virus attack:

  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of foreign toothbrushes and towels;
  • Consumer way is a bad disinfecting articles and utensils used together with the infected person;
  • Personal contact with the virus-carrier (kissing, oral sex, sexual intercourse);
  • Virus attack to the newborn occurs during the passage of the generic path from the mother, which is a carrier of HPV.

The incubation period of the disease may take several years. To detect HPV is only possible by putting analysis.

There are a number of factors that have an impact on the activation of the virus and the emergence of symptoms:

  • Frequent colds and chronic inflammatory processes, decreased immunity;
  • A stressful lifestyle and bad habits;
  • A violation of hormonal background;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids (hormonal drugs);
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The systematic injury of the mucous membrane of the mouth (use toothbrushes with hard bristles, warm food and drink, dentures, braces);
  • Tooth decay, periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums.

Each papilomya, who appeared on the body, is caused exclusively by HPV (hpv). Papilloma on the intimate places – the phenomenon widespread. Growths are found in the groin, in the vagina, on the member in the anal area. Often sexual papilomys occur even in children. Neoplasms can bring their bearers not only pressure, but also physical discomfort. According to medical statistics, the virus papilomys of the genital organs occurs almost a quarter of the population.

The mechanism of occurrence of papillomas in the intimate zone

In a non-active state of genital papilloma virus is able to live in the body for a relatively long period of time. A carrier of the virus can infect the surrounding, completely would know about it.

The process of revitalization and the viral growth of the cells occurs when the weakening of the protective forces of the organism. As a result of this happening the formation of tumors.

Contrary to popular belief, that papilomya causes discomfort exclusively in the cosmetic sense, it can provoke and health problems.

Types of HPV

To international standards all neoplasms are divided into three types:

  • Benign.
  • Malignant.
  • Border (precancerous).

It is important to be able to determine the kind of papillomas on the body. The type of neoplasm depends on the strain of the virus.

In most cases, people are faced with a non-dangerous form of infection, which do not bear harm to health and cause only aesthetic discomfort. Enough to remove such warts, to forget about the discomfort.

To distinguish the different types of warts on the body is quite simple, and compare the different photos. Each type of formation is characterized by a wide range of functions, knowing that it is easy to assume this or that form of the disease.

Tribal papilomys or vulgar warts

The most common form of manifestation of papillomavirus – it is common papilomys, popularly called warts. They are caused by several strains of the virus that are easily transmitted by contact-home, and sexually transmitted diseases.

According to statistics, about every third person on the planet at least once in your life met with the advent of stem papillomas.

Papilloma in mouth come in several types:

  1. Epithelial hyperplasia — small formations in the form of papillae, most frequently produced on the sides of the tongue;
  2. Simple (vulgar) papilomya appears in the sky and has the shape of a flattened bumps;
  3. Vulgar papilomya;
  4. Growths on the gums, most often presented in the form of a flat papilomys;
  5. Apartment papilomys;
  6. Papilloma on the body
  7. Simple papilomys have a thin base, which is often the cause of bleeding and inflammation, if there is damage. They occur on the bridle of the tongue;
  8. Simple papilomys language;
  9. Genital warts have a conical shape, are connected between each other and form large pockets of destruction;
  10. Genital papilomys

Important! Late diagnosis threatens the growth of papillomatous nodes contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Papilloma tongue and cheek may have a different shape. Polyps on the face represent small soft lumps and will not cause any pain. Growths on the tongue prone to irritation and micro-injury, what can be the cause of the bleeding.

Papilloma on tonsil are often confused with laryngitis or purulent angina. Due to the growths may be swelling of the airways and vocal cords, causing difficulty in breathing.

Unpleasant feelings accompany the process of absorption of food even liquid. Sometimes the person experiencing the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

The formation of papillomas on the neck may be accompanied by changes in voice, difficulty in breathing. When intake of solid food of the mucous membrane with the growths may bleed. Red throat in a child can talk about the presence of growths. PapillomaTOZ of the larynx in children is the cause of bronchitis.

The emergence of pathological formations in the form of bumps or a polyp on the gums (growths on the gums) dangerous to the fact that the mucous membrane will be injured tooth brush or dental prosthesis. Ultimately, this will lead to inflammatory process and infection the treatment of ulcers.

Papillomavirus, in addition to skin changes, carries risk for the development of various diseases. Type of infection shows how will develop and what the danger is.

The definition of the type of warts it is necessary for:

  • determine whether there is a risk of reincarnation paperwork build-up to the malignant tumor;
  • for choosing the effective treatment;
  • determine the type of infection.


They are also known as acne or normal. Create papilomys preceded by a slight burning sensation.

Over time, the appear of the game results in ball-shaped, resembling a tumor. Still later smooth surface growths changed to rough and the colors from the hard passes in darker.

Dimensions can range from 1 to 10 mm.

Most common warts appear between the toes and on the palms from the rear. In children, that mainly move crawling, can be localized on your lap. Come one and more.

Often vulgar papilomys do not bear danger to human health, accounting for benign growths.


The name itself says about the localization of the papillomas. To accidentally not confused with calluses, has a number of speaking symptoms:

  • the tumor in all featured resembles ordinary warts;
  • he felt pain in the area of paperwork build-up, when wearing boots of small size;
  • the skin image is missing, and the surface rough.

Plantar verrucas own mosaic papilomyаTOZ, when in the vicinity of the main skin education to form a bubble, with time - papilomys.

In small children plantar warts can disappear by themselves.

The apartment

Have an oval, stretched, less round shape. They are characterized by a negligible height – just a few millimeters protrude through the skin cover. Affects face, the skin of the upper section of the chest, sometimes the external genital organs.

The color is a little darker body shade. Property location located in apartment papilomys have the feature to merge into a single blur, after which they are much more visible.


Warts, which are typically the leg and the longitudinal form are called threadlike (acrochordus). Initially the skin the tumor has the appearance of small sores, which soon drawn out.

Most often occur in men and women after 40 years. Localized on the neck, on the eyelids of the eyes, under the arms, in the groin area, near the mammary gland. Often injured due to the presence of thin legs, which can easily damage the clothing, or sloppy movement.


Outwardly resemble papillary education. They can hit the skin cover individually and in whole groups. According to the development are combined in a single unit, forming the body or light pink color comb.

The emergence of genital warts raises infection transmitted sexually. In connection with this warts affecting the genitals, groin zone, is the area in the vicinity of the anus.

Papilloma in the mouth

Genital papilomys very rapidly developing and in a few days they can occupy a large plot of healthy tissue. Even after successful treatment does not exclude a relapse.

Medicine has more than a hundred types of papillomavirus. About forty of them are transmitted through sexual contact, and therefore affects the genitals of both men and women, many types of HPV at all do not bear the harm, some of them – particularly dangerous and can cause cancer disease.

Types of hpv customary to classify according to the degree of probability education oncogenic formations on the skin. We distinguish:

  • a particularly dangerous type – 16, 18, 36, 45;
  • type of medium danger– 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58;
  • the safest type of– 6, 11, 42, 43, 44.

HPV is a microorganism, which has hundreds of stamps. Depending on the species, acting in the person of the stamp of HPV on the skin of the skin are formed and different types of papillomas. They differ in appearance, speed of growth, the place of location on the body.

Some of the papillomatous growths are recorded on the mucus membranes of the oral cavity, in the urinary bladder, in women in the vagina and in men in the penile area.

Definition of the type of papillomas necessary for choosing the most effective methods of treatment and for the evaluation of the risk of the reincarnation of this tumor in malignant.

Official medicine shares the HPV 4 groups:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low-oncogenic;
  • the carrier medium oncogenic risk;
  • the characteristic high degree of carcinogenicities.

Non-oncogenic, then he is not reborn in time, cancer, as a rule, are papilomys vulgar, flat, plantar type. If you have a common definition of the papilomys, then, in a translation from Latin, it is possible to mark it as "the tumor in the form of papillae".